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Fatigue / Low Energy / Tiredness / Brain Fog

Energising Vitality: Acupressure Points for Fatigue

ST-36. GV-20. SP-6

Address fatigue and boost energy using acupressure! Stimulate Stomach-36 and Governing Vessel-20. Find Stomach-36 below your knee and apply firm pressure. Locate Governing Vessel-20 on your head's top and stimulate. Breathe deeply and feel revitalized.

Understanding the underlying causes can help us address tiredness and promote increased energy using acupressure points such as Stomach-36 and Governing Vessel-20.

Fatigue in Chinese medicine is often attributed to imbalances in the Spleen and Stomach meridians.

The Spleen is responsible for transforming food into energy, while the Stomach is involved in the digestion and distribution of nutrients throughout the body.

Stomach-36, also known as Zusanli, is a significant acupressure point for addressing fatigue.

It is located on the front of the lower leg, about four finger-widths below the knee cap.

Stimulating this point can help boost energy, improve digestion, and strengthen the body.

Governing Vessel-20, also called Baihui, is another valuable acupressure point for addressing fatigue.

It is found at the top of the head, along the midline, in the depression where the skull meets.

Stimulating this point can help invigorate the mind, enhance mental clarity, and promote overall vitality.

To address tiredness and promote increased energy using acupressure points Stomach-36 and Governing Vessel-20, follow these steps:

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax.

Locate Stomach-36 on the front of your lower leg, about four finger-widths below the knee cap.

Apply firm but comfortable pressure to Stomach-36 using your thumb or index finger. Hold or apply a circular motion for about 1-2 minutes.

Next, locate Governing Vessel-20 at the top of your head, along the midline.

Apply firm

Breathe deeply and focus on invigorating your body and mind as you stimulate these points.

Remember to adjust the pressure to a level that feels comfortable for you, and if you experience any pain, reduce the intensity.

Practice these techniques whenever you feel fatigued or need an energy boost throughout the day.

By stimulating these acupressure points, you aim to harmonize the energy flow, enhance digestion, and restore balance within the associated meridians and organs.

However, it's important to note that everyone's response to acupressure can vary.

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